Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > How do you tell if they are in pain?

How do you tell if they are in pain?

22 10:36:44

I have 2 female 4-year-old lionheads.  They will stand up to eat a big carrot from my hand.  However some times they will refuse to stand up but will eat it if I lower it to their head level.  Hope they are just being controlling and not in pain.

Dear Tom,

At the age of four, it's not all that likely that they have arthritis or are having other skeletal problems making them too sore to stand up.  But if you are concerned, it's always a good idea to have them checked out by an experienced rabbit vet:

who can have a look, and perhaps even take radiographs to be sure all is well with their hips and spines.  Rabbits don't always like to stand up for treats, though, and they may just be bossing you around a bit.  :)

A rabbit in severe pain will hunch in a little ball, usually fluffed up, and grind his/her teeth loudly with a terrible crunching sound.  If you ever see that, it's an emergency, and time to get the bun to the vet.

Hope this helps.
