Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > blood in cage

blood in cage

22 10:47:20

I have 2 rabbits 1 male 1 female i noticed a small bit of blood in there cage it doesnt look like its in urine. I have checked both rabbits and cant tell which 1 it has come off I was wondering if the female rabbit could be ready 2 have babies as I no they dont have periods. please help

Hi Tasha

Are your male and female rabbits both un-spayed and un-neutered?

If this is the case and they are over 3 months old then this is a strong possibility.  You need to separate them immediately and you need to give the doe a nice safe place to have her babies.

I recommend this article on nest boxes..

Here is also an article about bonding rabbits.  It should help you decide what to do with your rabbits after the babies are born.

Good luck and I hope your doe does ok.

