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Growth on shounder

22 10:03:43

My lion head rabbit developed a lump on his shoulder about 6 months ago, when he developed it it didn't seem like anything to worry about but it has recently grown and he has knocked it off a couple of times causing it to bleed, it feels solid and doesn't seem to hurt him when it is touched, he is still eating healthily and acting normal, he is between 8 and 9 years old.

Hi Clare,

given his age you really need this to be checked out by a good rabbit vet.  Lumps are not normal, bleeding ones that feel solid aren't something to ignore.  Take him in and let the vet examine him, maybe xray it and/or take a biopsy of it to figure out what it is.  If it's an infection (abscess) it needs to be treated.  Whatever it is it probably will require some action.  Given his age get him in as soon as possible so it doesn't drain his strength reserves and in case he needs to be in good as shape as possible to survive the treatment itself.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet go to: