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rabbit growth

22 11:08:25

Hello Samantha,
I bought a rabbit on October 30th that I was told was a min rex. He weighed 2 pounds and now weighs 4lbs 3 oz. I do not think he is a pure mini rex because his hair lost some of the velvet look. I don't care because I love my bunny. What I do want to know is if, at 6 to 7 months of age, is
he done growing? I bought a 30 inch cage that I thought would be good for him thinking he'd only get to about 3.5 pounds. If you think he may be full size, how big should his cage be? He gets 2 hours out of his cage in the morning and another hour in the evening, he is litter box trained and he is also getting neutered at the end of the month.

He sounds like a mini rex. 4 lbs is the adult show weight for a mini rex. Likley he is from bigger stock, and being fed good so he is a little bigger. He should get no bigger than 4 1/2 lbs. Any heavier for a mini rex is overweight, and not healthy. Limiting pellets to only a half a cup daily will help to prevent the overweight. Your cage should be fine I keep mine in a 24x24 for my breeding stock.