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i think my bunny is sick.

22 10:44:20

I think my bunny Blackie is sick.
I read once that cats show their 3rd eyelid when they are sick and it showed a picture. I think blackie is showing her 3rd eyelids.
while we were on vacation,my other bunny snow died from something,I don't want it to happen to blakie.She doesn't seem to be eating or drinking she finds a place,no matter if shes inside out or in the cage. she attacked my hand when I tried to give her some food out of my hand.  Shes never done that before when I did that,PLEASE CAN YOU HELP!?!?!?

Hi Karyn

Although I can't really tell you what exactly is wrong with your rabbit I can assure you that she is sick.  The fact that she isn't eating or drinking is extremely serious.  I know it is Saturday but this is not something that can wait.  A rabbit that stops eating or drinking for more than 24 hours is in serious trouble.

I have honestly never heard about the third eyelid thing but you know her better than I do.  There is not much else you can do for her other than take her to a vet immediately.
If you don't already have a vet then start calling vets in your phonebook and asking them if they treat rabbits.  Rabbits fall under the exotic pet category.  This really isn't something that can wait until Monday.  Almost all vets have 24 hour answering services.  It is very important that you call right away.

I am so sorry that Blakie is ill.  Sadly rabbits go down hill fast when they get sick.  If she does have ileus (complete shut down of the GI system), the vet can give her supportive treatment such as IV or Sub Q injections.  He will also give her some medication to help get her gut moving.

I really hope that Blakie is ok and you figure this out.  I just wanted to stress the importance of getting her treatment right away.

You can look through this list for qualified rabbit vets but there aren't very many.  Who knows you might get lucky

