Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > urgent; spotted little lite shades of blood in cage

urgent; spotted little lite shades of blood in cage

22 9:53:34

Hi, today I was cleaning out my rabbits cage to notice that there was a little bit of blood every here and there on the bottom of her cage.  It wasn't a lot and it was a light shed of red.  I took her out while my fiance cleaned the cage out and I took her in the bathroom, wrapped her up and wiped her with a warm wash rag and held her until she was well dried.  I also have her litter trained and we noticed that there was a little bit of blood lying on the grate.  I have had her in there for about an hour and a half and I haven't seen any blood yet.  Please message me back as soon as possible, thank you very much

Dear Christine,

If your bunny is not spayed, then it is imperative you get her to a good rabbit vet right away:

and please read:

Unspayed female rabbits have a very high incidence of uterine cancer, and the first sign is often a bit of blood spotting from the vulva.  If caught early enough, the lesions are usually confined to the uterus, and spaying effects a permanent cure.  But I would get her to a good vet ASAP for prope diagnosis and any appropriate treatment, including surgery, if she is a good candidate for that.

Yes, it's possible that she broke a nail and sprayed blood around.  Check for that on all toes.  But if she's not spayed, my top suspect would be uterine adenocarcinoma.  An experienced rabbit vet can get to the bottom of this with an in-person exam.

Hope this helps.
