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my rabbits dirty habbit is making her ill

22 11:24:24

I've had my rabbit for just over a year now. I had her off my x-friend who badly mistreated her and her other 6 rabbits. Although she wasn't fed for over 3 weeks, had never been given fruit and vedge or hay, had never been handled or loved (just ignored) and was cleaned out about once a year, she is now getting all these things and is doing excellant. The only problem I have with her is because she was used to sleeping in her wee and poo, she is still doing that now. I have tried everything to discourage her, like putting her hay and bedding away from where she wee's but she just moves it back to her toilet area. Her bottom is very sore, red and smelly. I am taking her to the vets first thing tommorrow but I don't know how to solve it in the long run. I clean her out regularly and wash her bum with special shampoo from the vets but I can't stop her from lying in her mess. Can you please give me some advice, or can you tell me of any special materials like puppy training matts, which soak up again and again leaving the outside area dry. Thanks very much Nikki x

There are some things you can use to at least soak up the urine so she isn't laying in it.  You can find sources at
These are synthetic sheepskin, which pulls the moisture away from the bunny.

Another option might be to put her in a wire bottomed cage, without a litterbox, so that when she goes it all goes into the tray.

Either option would work.

Thank you for taking her in and making the effort to give her a comfortable life.
