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Rabbit Nails...

22 10:59:07

Hello Pam,

I have coco for about 8 months now ever since he was about a month old. He never liked to be picked up or anything. If I do, i do it the correctly way (one hand under his bum and the other holding his belly so he would feel secure) but he would always be kicking wanting to get off.

That lead to my problem, his nails are getting really long and no matter what i do he would not let me cut them. I've tried petting him until he is calm, give him some treats, holding his feet, warp him in a towel, laying him on his back...etc. no matter what i do, he would start kicking or start running away. Dont get me wrong, he is a very sweet rabbit and enjoy hanging out with us. I just don't know what other ways i can do to cut his nails. any suggestions?

I have seen videos of other people's rabbit on youtube and they seem to be so calm even when the rabbit is laying on its back and geting their nails cut.

I don't want to bring him to a vet to do it because they would just hold him down  and i'm afraid they might hurt him.


Hi Phil

Unfortunately even if he hates it his nails have to be clipped.  If you don't want the vet to cut his nails then you are going to have to cut them yourself.  There is honestly no other way to do it other than cradling him like a baby in your arms.  In rabbits that are troublesome when lying on their back I will often get someone to help me.  One person hold and the other one clip.  It is all about telling him... listen your getting your nails clipped so you can either cooperate and get done sooner or be bad and it will take a while.

Just remember that you are the boss.  When you hold him let him know that you are the boss.  Don't be rough with him but just hold him firmly in your arms.  Both of you should get used to it eventually.

I hope it works out for you or else the vet option is the only other one.

Thank you
