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Sick Bunny - 5yrs old

22 11:18:20

Hello, I have a dwarf female (unspayed) bunny, almost 5yrs old. She has had this problem occur off and on for a couple of years however lately its been on-going. She has a large clump of poop stuck to her bum, it keeps getting larger and larger and is to the point where her cage is clean because I don't think she's really able to go to the bathroom much (its all blocked). She also pee's and it sticks to the poop and the smell is horrible. Her eyes have become runny and her fur is not healthy any longer. I am scared to take her to a vet right away without first investigating the problem myself. I have read a few simalar inquiries however am not sure what to do to help her. I heard that trying hairball formula for cats may do the trick and also giving her a dry bath with baby corn starch. She's not a very friendly bunny, actually very aggressive, hates to be held, but she loves to be pet. I am just at my wits end and am looking for your expertise and advice.

Sincerely yours,
Erin Stewart

Dear Erin,

This will answer most of your questions about the "poopy butt":

but note that this is a *symptom*, not a disease.  You need to find out the *cause* of the cecal dysbiosis.  Most common reasons are incorrect diet:

and untreated molar problems:

Though almost any health problem causing pain/stress can cause this problem.  If she's not spayed, then uterine problems should also be considered:

Don't be nervous about taking her to the vet before you research this problem.  If you find a good rabbit vet, s/he should be able to help you much better than if you try to deal with this on your own.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
