Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit and guinea pig

rabbit and guinea pig

22 10:12:54

QUESTION: hi, i have a guinea pig and a rabbbit living together and sometimes my rabbit licks my guinea pig i would like to know why. thanks from sarah

ANSWER: Hi Sarah,

rabbits groom their friends.  It's a social/friend thing.  He is grooming his buddy.

Just make sure to give your rabbit a little dab of "petromalt" every day.  Basically it is malt-flavored petroleum jelly.  It has a slightly sweet taste to it, and I have never met a rabbit that did not like it.

Petromalt helps prevent your rabbit from developing a hair blockage in his gi tract (which could kill him).  Very important if he grooms both himself AND another animal.  He's ingesting a lot more hair than he normally would.  

So petromalt is very important.  And of course, lots of good fresh hay to eat.  You can find petromalt at your local pet supply store.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Lee,
But  I don't think we have a local pet supply store near where we live. Is there something else I could give my rabbit?
A follow-up from Sarah

ANSWER: Hi Sarah,

well, your vet should carry petromalt (because it's good for both cats and rabbits - just make sure to get malt flavored).  Otherwise in the pet section of your grocery store, they should carry petromalt.  Hartz makes a malt-flavored tube, and they may carry the petromalt brand.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks again Lee, sorry to be a nuisance but what is petromalt for exactly? I'm just curious and this will be my last question. What is petromalt?
Thanks again and again,


basically it is malt-flavored petroleum jelly.  It is totally safe for people and animals.  It acts as a lubricant for their gi tract and helps prevent hair blockages from occurring.  They just need a nice little dab (on your finger, or on a small piece of lettuce or whatever greens you give them) a day.