Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit Plancenta Stuck?

Rabbit Plancenta Stuck?

22 9:57:41

My rabbit(3 years) recently gave birth to one stillborn kit. She was in distress 2 days prior to and the day after kindling. She was spotting before kindling. We took her to the vet and she was put on antibiotics for a slight infection. She seemed to be doing well but i noticed what seems to be placenta stuck. Should i let her try and remove it naturally or take her the vet?

Dear Jo,

I would no way mess with this yourself.  Please get her to the vet ASAP, as this could be a life-threatening prolapse of the uterus.  As she has had this much trouble with giving birth, I would strongly recommend that she be spayed for her health and safety.  Please see:

and especially:

I hope this helps.
