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i dont know what is wrong with my rabbit

22 11:18:11

hi i have a mini lop rabbit ive had him for about 2 months and all of a soden he tilts his head to the left side and his right eye looks up as if he sees something in the sky. also his right eye seems to be coming out more then the left eye. he seems to be drinking and eating fine so i was just wondering if you know what is wrong with him we are going to take him to the vet on monday if hsi simptons keep up.

Dear Sarah,

Your bunny is suffering from torticollis (head tilt), and you can read all about the causes and possible treatments here:

You can find a good *rabbit* vet here:

and do NOT listen to a vet who tells you that the condition is fatal, and the bunny must be put to sleep.  That is just WRONG.

If there is discharge from the eye, I would suspect that dental (molar root) problems are at the base of this condition, so please also read:

for more info on molar root abscesses.  This article will also be helpful, if it's a molar root abscess causing or contributing to the problem:

I hope this helps. Please get bun to the vet without delay, as this problem will not resolve on its own.
