Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit wont let me hold her

my rabbit wont let me hold her

22 11:04:51

my almost 8 month yr old rabbit wont let me hold her. it makes me very upset. she lives with my sisters rabbit in a hutch outside.everytime i go to pick her up she will try to bite me. then she will try to attack my sisters bunny. i don't no what too do. they wont stop attacking each other until i yell "HEY" very loud. all i want is to be able to hold my bunny.

It sounds like she is experiencing hormonal aggression both toward you and her sister. This is fairly common in unspayed female rabbits, and between 5 months and a year is normally when it starts. Getting them spayed would be the best way to stop it.