Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Miscarriage??


22 9:46:00

HEllo, my and my fiance have been breeding rabbits for about 5 months now. We have had this doe since we started, she came to us with a litter of kits. And she had a healthy litter just about  two months we are pretty sure she was pregnant, and she bled quite a bit a few days ago, with a few little clots, she hasnt had a fresh blood for a couple days, but I was cleaning out her nesting box and there was a spot of fresh blood. not clots or anthing though. please help? i dont know if she had a miscarriage? or should i be concerned and get her to a vet?  thanks

If she is eating and drinking normally then I wouldn't worry. But I do feel you are breeding her too fast. She had a litter just 2 months ago and she was already bred again? She is not a machine. I know some breeders do back to back breedings, but I do not approve of the practice. What breed are they, and why are you breeding? Are you showing or just breeding to sell pets? Part of being a responsible breeder is knowing what you are going to do with all the kits, and only breeding when necessary.