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Rabbit gut problems

22 10:57:49

hi i have a 9 month old rabbit with gut problems. He is refiusing to eat as much as he was but is eating small ammounts of hay and dandilion leaves. We took him to the vet today and they said that his gut has become hard and needs flueds. A friend of mine told me to give him pinapple juice to help the gut to move and produce droppings.
please help :)

Pineapple juice will help to break up fur balls if that is what is wrong with him.  Didn't the vet give him any tests?  If he has a hairball you can give him a few papaya pills also.  They love the taste of them.  If your vet told you that he needs fluids he should have admitted him for fluid therapy.  If he is not producing droppings then he is not digesting properly.

You need to find a different vet.  If you need help locating one that is good at taking care of rabbits please go to

Your rabbit will die if he is not eating and not producing droppings.  If the hairball is big enough he might even need surgery.  Try to find an emergency animal hospital that treats exotic pets.  

In the meantime yes you can give him pineapple juice and try to get him to eat as much hay as he can.  This is really a very serious health issue and your vet should have done more interventions.

Please take him to another doctor right away and this time insist that they do tests and if he needs fluid tell them that you want him to have either under the skin injections of lactated ringers or have him admitted for IV therapy.

I hope he does ok

Thank you
