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Rabbit behavior after spay.

22 10:47:35

I had my bunny, Daisy, spayed three weeks ago.  We followed the vets instructions to keep her quiet for a week, then gradually allowed her to resume her normal schedule of out-of-cage time.  She was very affectionate with me before the surgery, but now avoids me.  Could she be blaming me for the pain and being stuck in her cage for a week?  If I do pick her up, she nips me.  I miss our cuddles!

Hi Stacy

I don't think she blames you.  It takes a good month for her to fully recover.  The wounds in her belly aren't all the way healed and when you pick her up it may still hurt her.  She might be a little bit mad at you or when you go to pick her up she may fear that you are going to take her back to that awful place that did those things to her.

The best thing you can do for her is to give her as much love as you can.  Play with her.  Get down on the floor and sit with her.  Let her come to you and investigate you.  After a while she will wonder why you are just sitting there and she will get curious.  She will then start to demand attention from you.

Spaying of rabbits is major surgery.  Although her parts are gone she will still have some of the hormones for at least a month.  Just give her time and lots of extra attention.  I think you will find that in time she is going to be the same loving bunny you used to know.  Whatever you do don't give up on her.  If she nips you she is probably telling you that she wants you to put her down because it is uncomfortable for her.

Good luck and if you need anymore help please let me know.
