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Rabbits smelling things?

22 10:13:09

I was just wondering, do rabbits smell? like humans smell cookies baking or bacon cooking? if they can smell things are there certin odors which make them uneasy or uncomferatable enough to bite someone?



rabbits have 10 times better smell than people.  So yes they can pick up scents and smells much better than you or I.

If you smell like a person that has abused them in the past, they will key off of that.

If you smell like a predator animal, they can be influenced by that.

If you smell like someone they do not know, a stranger, that cna influence them.

If you smell like another rabbit, that may put them on the defensive.

If the rabbit smells your natural pheromones it may not like you, or it could really like you.

Especially in cases where the rabbit is not spayed/neutered.