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Hurt Bunny

22 9:49:19

Hello, we just purchased a 4 week old bunny for my daughter. We built a very nice pen outside with small wire on the bottom. No soon after 1 day of having the rabbit, a neighborhood dog tried to attack the bunny and pulled one of his legs off throough the bottom of the cage. It was a very clean wound, no blood. But I don't know what to do! I feel so bad for this bunny. He is eating, drinking, and getting around great. He's also cleaning the wound. We have moved him inside in a bunny cage to take better care of him. Please help!

Dear Kristen,

I am stunned that the thought did not cross your mind to take the rabbit to a veterinarian immediately.  If you or a family member had a limb ripped off, you'd have the paramedics there in minutes.  Why would you not afford the same protection to this innocent baby rabbit by taking him to an emergency hospital where the wound could at least be cleaned, sutured shut, and the bunny put on antibiotics?

I am pretty much speechless.  But I hope after you wrote that email, the shock wore off and you *did* take the bunny to the vet.  If not, and if this innocent animal is still alive, PLEASE get him to the vet for care.  Find a vet here:

Rabbits are prey animals, and while they do not express pain (they have evolved to hide it, to avoid attracting the attention of predators), they certainly feel it.  

Do the right thing now, and get this poor rabbit to a vet.  NOW NOW NOW.
