Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > A pregnant Rabbit

A pregnant Rabbit

22 11:19:40

my mother and i had left and my brother had exercised both our rabbits. my rabbit is a girl and his is a boy.  she is about 1 years old and he is almost 2.  he said the boy got into the enclosure with the girl and got on her.  he didin't know how long.  it has been about 25 days since and we are not sure if she is pregnant.  today i noticed in her litterbox, both of her shirts and a ton of her fur.  at first we thought it could be her shedding, but if she were shedding, why would her shirts be there.  also, she has been acting a little strange.  she stands up a lot and follows my hand just about everywhere.  she has never did that before.  that started about two days earlier.  he has sat on her before, but nothing has happened.  he always grooms her head when they exercise.  Do you think she's pregnant?  What are some pregnancy signs?

Dear Hannah,

It takes only a few seconds for a rabbit to become pregnant, and it's very, very likely that yours will be giving birth within a week.  Normal gestation is between 28-31 days.

Please read this to prepare:

and especially:


I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
