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22 11:19:04

I talked to a different expert a couple days ago and she said my rabbit Hunny couldnt breed with a cottontail. (She got loose and was running around for a couple of days) It turns out she is actually pregnant and is going to have her kits any day now. I was wondering if there are any special supplies she needs before or after the birth. Also she has dark grey fur why would it be turning orange, brown?

It is quite possible she got pregnant by another loose domestic rabbit, or even a European rabbit (which is what domestic rabbits descend from). There are some wild populations of European rabbits that got let loose in North America.

She will need a nest box to put the babies in. It should be well-filled with hay. Also provide plenty of hay for her to eat. The nest box should be about 4 inches wider and 4 inches longer than the mother when she is in a normal sitting position. You may be able to find one at a pet shop or feed store, but if not, you can build one out of untreated, unpainted wood. If you absolutely cannot find anything else, try ordering one online. carries them. In the mean time, since she is due any day, provide her with a sturdy cardboard box of the right size.

Fur can turn orangish or brown when it is dieing and getting ready to shed out, or if it got exposed to sun for a while. Neither case is anything to be worried about, and it will go away when she sheds out her coat.