Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit has a lump on its stomach

My rabbit has a lump on its stomach

22 10:02:43

I just got a male dwarf rabbit and have found a lump that is a good two inches wide on his stomach. He is not lethargic, he's eating fine and his fecal output is fine. The family who had him before me used clumping cat litter, which I have seen him eat. He is not in pain but the lump is quite large. What could it be?

Dear Jamie,

I can't see the bunny to determine what this is, but it could be anything from an abscess to a tumor, or even a hernia.  I would strongly urge you to get him to a good rabbit vet for a full exam, to see if this is something that needs prompt treatment.  Find one here:

Hope this helps.
