Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > E.cunniculi human transmission

E.cunniculi human transmission

22 10:34:51

Hello, do you happen to know if E. cunniculi is transferrable to humans, if our house rabbit is infected (not yet a confirmed diagnosis)? I'm concerned because we have an 18 month old child, and I myself am almost 6 months pregnant. Our vet didn't know.  Thanks in advance!

Hi Sari

There is absolutely nothing that a rabbit can get that can be transferred to humans, except fleas or occasional mites.  Even these parasites don't live on humans they just use them to travel to their next host.

You and your baby and little girl are just fine.  Your vet should have known that and if they didn't then I suspect they aren't well versed in rabbits.  

If you have any further questions or concerns please do no hesitate to ask.

