Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit ate small amount of rubber toy

Rabbit ate small amount of rubber toy

22 11:24:19

I am somewhat worried about Timothy Bunny as I realized this morning that he had chewed a couple of "nubs" of this rubber toy. I couldn't find them, so I assume he swallowed them.  he seems fine now, but I am concerned that this can create a blockage. Please let me know what to look for, and if this can naturally pass. (total amount was probably 1/2 teaspoon...thanks

Dear Sharon,

I worry much less about hard rubber and plastic than about things like rubber bands or plastic bags.  The former are usually chewed into little bits, and pass through the bunny uneventfully.  It's the softer types of plastic and stringy things that can be dangerous.

So in short, I doubt very much that Timothy will have a problem.  Keep an eye on him, make sure he has plenty of timothy hay, clean drinking water in a bowl (not a sipper bottle; they drink more from a bowl), and plenty of fresh, wet greens.  All of these will help anything odd pass through his intestines easily.

Hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
