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Peeing on the bed

22 9:48:46

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Lee Meyer,
         I've contacted you before for your advice on a smaller matter but now it seem I have bigger problems. My 6 month old female mini bunny has recently started urinating on my bed whenever she gets the chance, and sometimes it seems like she will literally hold it until she finds a way up on my bed. Now my bed is a pretty fair distance off the ground so it's very difficult for her to get up there but that doesn't stop her from trying. Shes in the process of being potty trained and has the basics down with what areas are allowed but its a whole other subject when she gas to pee. Also I've heard that this behavior might be her way of saying I'm doing something that upsets her but she's always all over me and follows me around everywhere so it doesn't seem that she's upset with me. Not to mention i shower her with attention whenever i get the chance. So I'm pretty desperate for any ideas that will help me keep her from such acts because I don't want to have her in a cage most of the day or resort so some type of time out method.
         Thank you for your time and any feedback will be appreciated


you will need to send me a follow up as I need the following info from you:

Has your female been spayed yet?  At six months old you may not have had her fixed yet.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, I have not had her spayed though I was planning on it sometime in the near future. Other than that she's very health and active.

Hi Cyrena,

she's hit sexual maturity.  Her marking you bed is part of the hormonal increase.  She's probably overmarking your scent.

This is behavior that won't change until she is fixed, or you physically don't allow access to your bed.

You need a really good rabbit vet for something like this, one that does spays and neuters regularly, at leasr once a week, without problems.

If you need to find one start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

She will need 3-5 days of pain meds (metacam), a week of antibiotics and you'll need to watch her if she goes after the incision.  Sometimes it is good they do because there could be an infection under the skin that is discovered and the vet needs to go back in to clean it out (this is not normal, doesn't generally happen).