Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny has dry skin :(

My bunny has dry skin :(

22 9:48:45

QUESTION: my bunny has dry skin at first i thought it was lice but then i noticed larger flakes in his ears that look like dandruff. Usagi is no more than two months old if that, we got him august first when he was really tiny and we had to feed him out of a syringe so i get very worried about him hes also been kinda moody and nippy, thankyou.

ANSWER: Hi Jennifermary

Your bunny may have fur mites. Rabbits aren't suppose to have dandruff. In the presence of it, it leads me to believe that mites might be the culprit. They are too small to the naked eye to see normally.

Mite bathes are available at pet stores, but only use half of the recommended dosage. If it doesn't have a recommended amount to use, then use very little as rabbits have extremely sensitive skin and toxicity can occur more easily than in cats and dogs. This is ok if te rabbit is living indoors, but if he's outdoors then he will likely be re-infected and revolution may be more appropriate for you.

Revolution can be bough at the vets office. Many vets will not require an examination, but wil just want an accurate weight and then sell it to you over the counter.

Be sure to change the hutch or cage's bedding and use a bleach and water solution to kill anything living in the home. Mites love to live in hay. If your hay is stored outdoors consider buying new hay and keeping it airtight so mold can't grow and pests can't get into it.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: let me re word this, after looking at him better its in his ears, but the flakes are getting into his fur, whatever it is is looks to me like its originating from his ears. he hasnt been outside since mid august but he does go outside.
if you still think its mites do you think the mite bath would be okay for him cause hes young?
i know alot of products say not for under 3 months.

If he's under 3 months then I would opt for the revolution because it is absolutely safe for young rabbits.

You can relieve some of the ear discomfort by cleaning his ears with any kind of cooking or baby oil. This drowns the mites theoretically, but it would need to be done three times a day for three weeks to ensure eradication.

The revolution treats from day one, is a small dot on their backs between the shoulder blades and is no fuss. It lasts for a month and then can be re-applied. One treatment would likely be sufficient before the mites become more inactive during the winter months, although a vet would recommend year long treatment since mites don't die off in winter months but just become inactive during cooler temperatures until it is warmer. An indoor rabbit may have the mites biting year round if the problem isn't addressed.

Hope this is helpful.
