Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > lop earred rabbit

lop earred rabbit

22 11:10:33

I went outside yesterday and our lop earred rabbit is very thin and can hardle stand up. She is eating but I noticed this morning that she isn't drinking very much. There are some black kind of slimy stools in her cage. She is just sitting and she is usually very active. If I pick her up and then set her back down she almost falls over.  

Dear Tori--

Get your bunny to a good rabbit vet immediately.  You can find one here:

A rabbit in this condition is close to death, and if you are to save her life, you MUST get her to a good rabbit for immediate emergency supportive care including subcutaneous fluids, and further diagnostics.  Please print and read this on the way to the vet (not while you're driving):

But waste no time getting her to the vet.  This is a LIFE-THREATENING emergency.
