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Rabbit Noises: Pregnancy?

22 10:37:33

I have 2 Rabbits. One Male minirex and one female hybrid minirex drawf and both are not neutered. The Female is acting a little strange, she has been making these grunting noises recently. Also she was once very active and social. But now she goes off by herself and doesn't play with her male companion like she used to. Before, she was so active that I couldn't catch her to pick her up. But now she lets me all of a sudden and also grunts when I pick her up. I notice she grunts alot when she goes to pee. The Pee is normal color and pee's a little bit more now. Could she have an infection still or maybe pregnate? Also she doesnt eat her favorite food anymore.

Dear Ramon,

Her whimpering could mean that she's pregnant.  In this case, please read:

and especially:

But the fact that she's not eating normally, and acting withdrawn suggests that she might also be ill.  Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

who can give her a good exam and make sure she doesn't have a condition that needs medical treatment.  Take the male, too, and schedule that neuter.  He can impregnate the female again within *minutes* of her giving birth, and he also can have viable sperm in his internal "plumbing" for 2-3 weeks after being neutered.  So NOW is the time for some family planning. Have him neutered now so he'll have to spend little, if any, time away from his mate and family (if she's pregnant).

Hope that helps.
