Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Blood?


22 9:44:45

Hi  we got our rabbit out tonight and while she was hopping around on her blanket on the sofa we noticed some blood on the blanket, we tried to look at her but couldn't find any cut although it was hard to see.
She had blood on her fur and had sat in the blood on the blanket so was hard to tell where it was coming from.
She is 2years 1 month old.. So I'm wondering if it could be her being on heat?
We've only had her 7months so we've never dealt with a rabbit on heat before.. Can you tell me if their should be visible blood, and how often it happens?
She is back in her hutch now and I've been to check her several times.. She seems to have cleaned herself up and is hopping around and eating her hay etc and looks happy, there is no more visible blood...
Sorry if I sound clueless but that's why I'm asking.

Hello there.
Rabbits typically do not bleed during Their heat cycle ( it happens about every 36-40 hrs.
My suspision is your rabbit pulled a nail out.
Rabbits tend to dig & scratch on carpet of blankets & they sometimes pull a nail out.
It may grow back.
Just check her front nails 1 may be missing.
Good luck