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Rabbit stopped using his right leg

22 9:59:01

Yesterday the rabbit was fine and hopping around on two hind legs but when I took him out of his hutch today in the morning he is lifting his right leg up( its not touching the ground) when he is hopping.Plus he has stopped moving around-just sits there at one spot.
An hour age when I lifted him up to examine his legs I noticed a lump coming out of it.Its like a flexible yet hard lump coming out from the right hind leg.Right at the bottom of this thing 2hich is coming out is some sort of a bone structure--its very hard to describe it.It isnt bone or anything.He isnt bleeding but could that be a tumour or some abnormal growth.The buck is just 3 months old.He doesnt seem to be in pain- seems calm and was eating fine.What might this thing coming out of his hind leg be.It is inwards near his testicles.


whatever it is, you need to get him to a vet right away to get it looked at and diagnosed.  It could be a dislocation, or it could be abnormal growth.  Generally that doesn't happen overnight, so more likely it is some kind of injury that really does need vet attention by a good rabbit vet.

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