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Over-Curious Rabbit

22 10:12:42

This isn't a medical question, although it could prevent a future trip to the vet

Our rabbit is 12-13 weeks old, and is either a Mini Lop or French Lop (most likely a Mini Lop). We aren't sure of the gender, but we think that it is male. He is also quite docile around my little sister, who dresses him up, grabs him roughly (ok, I am guilty of this as well when trying to get the rabbit away from something he shouldn't be near), holding him the wrong way, etc.

He is very curious, and keeps on trying to get behind the couch. He has tried going between the two couches, behind the large couch, and even over the table. The couches are organized like this:


[] = Table, = = Large Couch, || = Small Couch

He pulls away barriers we put up (although making them out of cardboard and old phone books doesn't help matters any) and will do anything to get by them sometimes. Is there a way to get him to cut it out BEFORE he gets at a wire or starts trying this stuff in a more dangerous location?


yes, and I've had to do it for several of my guys.

You need to make wooden barriers on a stable base that cannot be tipped over.  They need to be as high as the sides of the couches so that they don't seem so obviously off in height than the rest of the couch.  You measure the distance the couch is out from the wall now, and take into account if you have any baseboard profile that needs to be cut out, and that's how wide they need to be.  The vertical board needs to be able to take pressure on it so it will be solid with no give to it.  you can screw it from the bottom, but it will also need a brace on the side behind the couch.  On the base board of each barrier, put some kind of padding.  Use untreated pine boards as they are safe if he wants to nibble a bit.

Also you should get some plastic wire protectors from Home Depot and put them around the cords.  Especially if a cord has to go beyond a wood barrier.
