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buying a rabbit

22 9:50:04

HI, i am trying to buy a rabbit and I'm not sure if i should or not.  i have a 3 yr old sister who loves  rabbits and a 5 yr old brother who loves rabbits as well.  but we cant decide wether to get a boy or a girl.  what do you think would be best?  any answers are greatly appreciated.

                  -Kierra  Clark

Hi Kierra,

How old are you?  A rabbit is NOT a good pet for such small children.  They are prey animals and they do not understand why kids want to hold them and cuddle with them.  If they do not feel secure they will scratch and bite to get away.  Rabbits are also not cheap pets.  On top of the start up expenses you will need to have money set aside for annual vet visits and emergencies.  I recommend that anyone who has a rabbit have at least $500 in a savings account for emergencies.  Some emergencies will run into the thousands.  Although they are pretty hardy if they do get sick it is usually severe.  Since they are prey animals they will hide their illnesses until they become extremely ill.

If you still decide you want a rabbit I strongly suggest a boy.  Although all rabbits should be spayed and neutered if you have a boy it is much less likely to get territorial.  It is also cheaper to neuter a buck than it is to spay a doe.

Good luck
