Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My dogs got hold of a domestic rabbit

My dogs got hold of a domestic rabbit

22 9:46:44

I have 3 rabbits living under my shed I think .  They are domestic rabbits.  I got the rabbit away from the dogs they are 2 little Chihuahua/jack Russell mixes so the rabbit is actually bigger than them.  I cant find any wounds the rabbit is breathing and alert.  I put it in a cat carrier and brought it in.  What can I do?  2 people said that they go into shock but they've never had rabbits lol.  I know definitely the front legs move but don't know about the back because I didn't want to mess with it to much and stress it out more.
Ty for your help and time.

Find a safe place and let it go! Most wild rabbits will NOT survive in captivity. They are not domestic rabbits. Domestic rabbits are rabbits raised and bred by rabbit breeders. You were being good by trying to help, but it will be much better off back in the wild.