Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Started fighting

Started fighting

22 10:45:46

We have dwarf rabbits one female one male.  They have been together for over a year and are not spayed or neutered and they have not had babies.  Within the last few weeks they started fighting.  We separated them for a few days and then put them back in the same cage - they got along for two weeks and now they are fighting again. What could be the reason??

Thank you.

Hi Andrea!

They have most probably become hormonal, the best thing to do is to separate them, by putting them back together they will continue to fight more and more potentially seriously injuring each other.

Neutering them will help calm the fighting down and prevent Cancer in the female and and potential serious aggression in the male

Hope this helps, let me know how you get on

Gem x