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What could be wrong with my Rabbit.

22 9:50:07

Okay here are the facts.

-I just got my rabbit 4 days ago from a woman out of an ad on a web site.
-We have been feeding her pellets (no-name brand from wal-mart) we fed her 2 carrots 2 pieces lettuce and my bf fed her corn husks
-She has not been drinking from her bowl of water
-She sneezes a lot
-She keeps rubbing her bottom of her chin on EVERYTHING
-She has had varying colors and consistencies in urine (cloudy, brown, yellow, thick, watery)
-She seems very active and fine other than the above mentioned

Today we went and bought her a water bottle and some salt lick and mineral lick and took all veggies away to determine if anything helps. I'm just concerned and want to make sure she will be okay.


Hi Kimberly-Dawn:

Please let me know how old the rabbit is.  Age is a big factor in this situation.

Also, what breed and gender is the bunny?

Has there been ANY (even a tiny bit) discharge from her nose when she sneezes?  Also, please look at her paws, specifically the inside of her front paws, is there any wetness, matting?

I'm very, very concerned that the bunny has Pastuerella, but need this additional information to be sure.

Lisa L.