Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > suddenly lethargic

suddenly lethargic

22 10:20:50

My 5 1/2 year old male (not neutered) mini rex, is suddenly acting lethargic and not eating or drinking. He also seems cold, he is hasn't moved from under one of the levels of his bunny condo. He was fine last night, ate his treats (carrots, cilantro, nuts and dried fruit) but this morning he had no interest in his raisins (which he loves!) and I noticed he hadn't eaten or drank anything all night. His poop is normal and he's urinating fine. I'm worried about him, what do you think?

Dear Beth,

A bunny in this condition should be considered an emergency, and gotten to a good rabbit vet immediately.  If he is hypothermic, he could be in danger of a fatal problem, so find a good vet here:

and get him there ASAP.  I hope it is not too late.

Please also read this:

for instructions on how to know if your bunny is sick, and what to do.  As specified in the instructions for asking a question here, you should always get a bunny who is not eating or drinking and acting lethargic to a vet, and not wait for an answer from a stranger on the internet.

I hope your bunny will be okay, and that this will help you get him the care he needs NOW.
