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Flemish Giant Rabbit

22 10:20:50

I just purchased a flemish giant rabbit at a pet store that I purchased my first flemish giant rabbit.  This one is a little girl.  I have no desire to breed them and after having her home a few days she looks to be pregnant. I think she is about 5 months old and she was in a cage with a male.  I am checking with the pet store to verify the age and if the male was a litter mate.  What happens if she is younger that 8 months or 14 lbs.?  What is the danger if the male is a litter mate? How can I tell if she is pregnat?

hi april-first let me say that rabbits are classed as adults at 5 months old and can have babys from 4 months old.
she will be ok and if she has been mated by a litter brother the babys will be ok, but its not reccomende to breed brother to sister. .the best way to know she is pregnant is that she may become aggressive and try to bite you .