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Rabbit testicle swollen

22 10:42:19

hi, i have a midget rabbit, and recently i noticed that his one testicle is swollen, could you please let me know how to treat his besides taking him to a vet. i recently washed his, so i believe that could be the cause, but i have washed his numerous times before and never had this problem.

Hi Bobby,

first the correct term is "dwarf" rabbit.

The average pet owner should not attempt to treat this on their own.  the blood supply to the testicle may have a problem or something else may be wrong, but if you aren't sure what the cause is there is no way you should be trying to fix ANYTHING when you don't know WHY it's happening.   You're not a vet, don't do anything to make things worse.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'washing his' or why you would be doing that in the first place.

Get to a vet.  Right away, don't put it off for days.