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my mama bunny ate taffy

22 9:43:21

My bunny, dustmite,  ate some salt water taffy's,  will she be ok and will it effect her milk for her bunnies

Dear Theresa,

Depending on how much she ate, it might give her a bit of an upset GI tract, since the sugar in the candy isn't great for a bunny who's not used to a lot of simple carbohydrates.  Please see:

It should not affect her milk production or her milk.  Though it might make it more likely that her babies will like saltwater taffy.  (There is evidence that compounds from foods a mother eats "program" a nursing mammal to "know" that those foods are safe, and so they will accept them when weaning.  Which is not to suggest you should feed your bunnies taffy!)

Please also see:

I hope this helps.
