Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit eating actual poo - not cecotropes

rabbit eating actual poo - not cecotropes

22 10:56:43

hi, my rabbit is definitely eating his actual poo not his cecotropes (well, he eats his cecotropes too! dont' worry!)
i've never seen a bunny do this before. is it ok for him to eat them? is there a reason he is (maybe he is trying to get more fibre in his diet? he doesn't like to eat hay, i have to make him eat some every day by tapping him on the nose with it until he bites it, he won't choose to eat it on his own and this has been going on for months).
i hope you can help!

Dear Ella,

We've had a few rabbits who do this, too, and no one can really figure out why.  As long as the bunny is healthy, has a good appetite, and is acting normal, I would not worry if he eats a few fecal pellets.  They'll come out, eventually.  ;)

If you're concerned that he might be hiding a health problem, you might wish to take him to a good rabbit vet for a full wellness check, including bloodwork. You can find a vet here:

If all checks out normal, you can rest at ease. And it's always good to have baseline values and an annual checkup, anyway.  So now might be a good time.

Hope that helps!
