Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Digging?


22 9:52:46

I realize digging is a natural instinct for rabbits, but mine only seems to dig in her cage during the middle of the night. She has a plastic bottom and isn't doing any damage, but she keeps everyone in the house up all night. I know this is probably caused because of her boredom at night. She is used to being out all day long and does not like being stuck in her cage. Is there anything I can place inside of her cage to either stop her from digging or to keep the noise of her scratching to a minimal.


well, you could try putting cut up, clean, expendable cotton towel pieces and tshirt pieces in the bottom of the cage, so that she can dig in these.  We use these in 'diggy piles' and our guys love spending time digging and nibbling on the cotton.

You will not keep her from digging.  When she's out during the day make sure she has a diggy pile out in her exercise area so she can get the energy out then and maybe have a more restful night.  One of our guys digs all day, but sleeps real hard in the afternoon and night.  Also make sure she has plenty of hay and water to eat during the night.  She will not be digging when she's eating or drinking.