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Bunny info needed pls!

22 11:09:41

Hi.. Pls help! I have a male (7months) and a female (5months) dwarf rabbits. Recently I have seen them mating, they are currently unspayed. Lately I have noticed brownish dribble marks on the carpet in their room, and low down on the walls. Im not yet certain if they are from her or him. She has also (in the last week)started digging and kicking all the litter out of her litterbox? I had added some more chew toys, but she continues to chew up the bottom of the bed, I tried spraying vinegar on the bed base, but she has not been discouraged. Can u suggest something to hinder her from chewing, a different substance perhaps to spray? Also, I think this could be a personality thing, but she constantly sways her head from side to side. I am not certain if any of these are pregnancy signs. I want to take her to my vet, but Im not certain any of the vets here have rabbit knowledge as they are not common pets in South Africa. Any info will help. Many thanks!

Hi Lugene,
 The spray marks you see on the bottom of the wall are most probably the males spraying marks.  Males are territorial and will usually mark their space.  If you saw them mate...count 32 days from then and expect a litter! She will pull fur from under her belly the day before she gives birth,and will use this to line the nest. Provide a safe nestbox for her,as well as some straw.  I would also separate them now,the male will continue the mounting and could cause harm.  
 Rabbits are extremely fertile and if you aren't careful you could end up with many many unwanted babies in a short prepared to separate the males and females by the time they are 3 months of age.
  Good luck with this,take care....Elizabeth