Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons

22 10:57:35

QUESTION: What are some Pros and Cons on having a rabbit?
ANSWER: Dear Tegz,

Pro:  Rabbits are lovable, intelligent, litterbox trainable, quiet, and clean.

Cons:  They are NOT low maintenance, and if  you do it right, they can be expensive.

For all the best information on rabbit care, and what to expect from living with a rabbit, please visit:

Hope that helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Can you please give me some tips on convincing my parents to letting me have a rabbit? And would i need two? or will it be alright on its own?

Dear Tegz,

I'm not really sure how I can convince your parents to let you have a rabbit without knowing more about why you want one.  They are not low maintenance pets, and they don't like to be carried around and cuddled.  Before you think about getting a bunny, you should read the articles here:

Those articles will give you all the knowledge you need to convince your parents that you are serious about wanting to get a bunny and to take care of him/her for his entire 10-15 year lifespan.

Two rabbits are happier than one, as long as both are spayed/neutered.  And it's vital to be sure they are bonded carefully, since strangers will fight ferociously and inflict terrible injury on each other.

If you do get a bunny, be sure to contact your local rabbit rescuer for adoption, and DO NOT buy from a pet store or breeder!  You can find your local rescuer here:

And that person can explain more about what it takes to live with a rabbit (or rabbits), how to bond bunnies, and help you decide if a bunny is really right for you and your family.

I hope this helps!
