Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > thank you Dana

thank you Dana

22 9:56:30

Just waned to thank you for all the advise you have given online.  It helped me so much in the process of saving a wild baby rabbit's life.  she's out of infancy now and nearly 5 mo old and very healthy.  We've bonded.
I'm adopting another wild cottontail today which is about 3 mo old, blind from birth, appearing to have cataracts-totally blind and has panic attacks. I'm adopting it from a wildlife rehabilitator.  I'm sure she'll be a lot of work, but worth the effort.
I'm sure I'll be reading more of your great articles as I figure out how to do this right!
Kari Silvey
Austin, TX

Dear Kari,

Wow, how wonderful that you are able to give the little blind cottie a safe sanctuary.  I hope he calms down with you.  Just be prepared for territoriality on the part of your resident cottie.  If you plan to keep them together, you might need some bonding tips, which are pretty similar to what you'd do for domestic rabbits (who also can be territorial little monsters):

Hope all is peaceful and harmonious, though, and that you won't need this info.

Congratulations on your little cottie pal! They are the most wonderful, intelligent beings and you are in for a real treat.  :)

Take care,
