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One big bunny family

22 10:00:11

My name is Emma, I own 4 rabbits. We have always kept our rabbits in separate hutches since none have been fixed. This summer, however, we were planning on having them all fixed and placing them in one HUGE hutch together. My question is: Is this even possible?? We have 3 male rabbits and one female and we are worried about there being a fight even after they are all fixed. This is a pretty big concern since one two of the male rabbits are dwarfs and our female is a mix and she is a fairly big size. Thank you for your time.

Dear Emma,

You're wise to ask first!  Before you embark on this grand venture, I would strongly recommend you read the articles here:

on bonding rabbits in pairs, groups, etc.  It gives tips, tells you what to expect, and is pretty much a reality check. I hope this will work for you, because it's certainly going to be much nicer for the bunnies, as long as they all get along.

Pretty much everything will depend on their personalities and whether they like each other or not.

Good luck!
