Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > urination in a dwarf bunny

urination in a dwarf bunny

22 10:37:44

I messaged you yesterday night i beleive asking about the color of a male dwarf bunnies pee. Today I another question. How many times a day a rabbit should pee? I think my rabbit peed about 3 or maybe 4 times between Saturday and Sunday. Is this normal?

Dear Chelsie,

It's not how often a bunny pees that's important, but how *much*.  An herbivore will urinate more frequently than a carnivore, in general, and 3-4 urinations over two days seems a bit low.  But if he's drinking a normal amount (about 90-100ml/kg per day, including what's in his food) and his pee is nice and dark and concentrated, his kidneys are working fine.

Be sure to always provide him with a LOT of very clean water in a bowl, not a bottle.  The more he drinks, the healthier he'll be over the long run.

Hope this helps.
