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rabbit losing hair creating some bald spots

22 11:10:02

my daughter has a rabbit, and it was sick for a bit. It had gotten ahold of a elastic band and ate it. A week later, she was just not herself, lethargic, losing a lot of weight, we then thought it had to do with the elastic band. A vet was seen, and bloodwork and exam done. According to the  results, the liver was producing too much enzymes, could be the possibility of a tumor or gall stones? as rabbits apparently have large gall bladders, from what I have ultra sound done, as doc suggested that possibility, but for 300-400 dollars, it was not feasible. The bunny appears to be doing ok,trying to get a little more food in her, due to her weight lose, but with in the last week she is going bald on certain parts of her body , it looks like a line of bald spots on the opposite side from where she had her blood work... do rabbits tend to have thyroid problems? my sisters dog's hair was falling out, and its thyroid was not working .... we are just very concerned over the health of this very special bunny..... thanks for any feedback

Maybe it has something to do with the elastic. She probably didn't digest it, or pass it out, and this may be causing her problems. The weight loss is a good sign of a blockage. Sometimes hair balls will form, causing them to loose weight, because the food isn't getting absorbed. The hair loss could be due to the lack of nutrients from a blockage. I am not sure she will come out of this condition with out the help of a vet.