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rabbit tummy bump

22 10:30:45

Good Morning,

My Bunny suddenly has a pink bump on hi mid chest.  I noticed it last night when I was rubbing his tummy.  It does not seem to bother him to touch it.  He just had his physical three weeks ago.  He seems to be feeling fine.  This bump is knew.  Are bumps something to be alarmed about.



Dear Rosemary,

There are many kinds of bumps a rabbit can get, from a harmless fibroma or wart to a more problematic abscess or even a tumor.  If the lump is moving freely with the skin, that's better than if it's firmly attached to underlying tissues.  But if it's of any size and is changing/growing, you need to get your bunny to a good rabbit vet to have the lump identified and, if necessary, treated.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
