Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Year Old Holland Lop Bleeding

Year Old Holland Lop Bleeding

22 10:30:44

QUESTION: Hi there. I have a female Holland Lop who just turned a year old on April 4th. I've had her since she was about 3 or 4 months old. She is a house bunny but is kept in her cage unless my mom or I take her out to play because we have other animals and it would not be very safe for her. Today, as it has finally warmed up, I took her and her water bottle outside and put her in her outdoor cage and set her on the grass so she could hop around for a while. I sometimes bring her outside while I lay in the sun or when we have family picnics. I noticed that she was laying down and it looked as though her heart was beating more rapidly than normal because she was shaking. I moved her into complete shade and it seemed to go back to normal but I was uncomfortable with her being outside because I know that overheating is a serious problem. As I was bringing her downstairs to her indoor cage, she grew very nervous and started to climb up my chest. This is not abnormal for her but usually, if I reposition her (in case her back paws are not supported enough) and hold her closer, she settles until we're at her cage. Today, she would not settle and as I reached the bottom of the steps, she scurried and fell out of my arms. I'd  never dropped her before or anything. I panicked and picked her up, holding her close. Her heart beat was a little faster than normal but did not seem outrageous. She seemed to be breathing a little faster as well. I put her back into her cage so that she was in the most familiar surroundings. As I put her in her cage, I noticed what looked like dried blood around the vulva. I have heard that rabbits do not have a period so I am worried that there may be something seriously wrong with her. I have yet to spay her, but I do plan on it... especially if this is abnormal and spaying is a solution. I did not want to rush her to the vet if this was not abnormal. I checked on her about 15 minutes later and she had urinated, her motor skills seemed normal (so I do not think she broke any bones or anything), and her heart rate and breathing seemed to be back to normal.

Please let me know what I should do.

Thank you so very much,
Lola Bunny Baby's Worried Mommy

ANSWER: Dear Madison,

Although unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer, it usually doesn't occur in bunnies so young.  But in this case, the signs are worrisome.  I would not wait too long to get her to a good rabbit vet:

for a full exam and spay surgery.  If she's already acting strange, she may be in discomfort from a uterine tumor, and this must be addressed quickly to avoid complications.

I would get her to the vet ASAP, though tomorrow morning would probably be soon enough if she is acting fine, eating well and not in an acute emergency state.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your prompt response. I spoke to a friend of my mother's who is apparently experienced with rabbits. He said that it may have been diarrhea due to her consumption of grass while she was outside. I checked her again and I do not see any new spotting and it does look a little dark to be blood. Is this plausible? If so, is there anything should I do?

Dear Madison,

If you can confirm that the liquid you saw was runny stool, not blood, then this will be helpful:

As you will see, adult rabbits almost never get true diarrhea, and they certainly don't get it just from eating grass (unless the grass was contaminated with parasites such as coccidial spores or roundworm eggs).  The most common causes of cecal dysbiosis (runny cecotropes) are incorrect diet:

and--especially in dwarf and lop rabbits--pain/stress from molar spurs:

I hope this gets you on the right track.  But if it's blood, then please do refer to my previous email.
