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big clump on rabbits bum

22 10:17:24

Hi Dana,

A few days ago I noticed that my netherland dwarf was trying to lick her bum more than usual. Today, she was trying to get the area right under her tail. But I guess it is too far from her reach so she continues to stretch towards it and ends up running around in circles like a dog trying to catch his tail.

I decided to investigate the matter and realized there was a HUGE clump of matted fur right around her tail. There is no fecal matter. So I think it is from her sitting on her urine.  My rabbit does not like to go in her litter box, but rather right in the middle of the cage.  But she likes to sit in my other rabbit's litter box. I am not sure if she pees in there.

I've tried using a paper towel soaked with warm water and I tried working the clump.  The paper towel began to turn yellow but after 15 minutes, the clump was still there.

I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to get rid of the clump? And how to prevent further clumps?

Should I take her to the vet because I am afraid the urine might be irritating her skin.



Dear Jessica,

Dried urine is sometimes harder to get off fur than dried fecal matter, because the calcium salts really tend to stick.  Here are instructions for safe bathing:

I'd try the dry cornstarch bath first.  It will soothe her and be less stressful.

But then you need to find out *why* she has so much urine residue on her bum.  Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here to help you:

Hope this helps
