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Rabbit Abortion?

22 9:55:41

Hello, we just bought two rabbits, assuming they were female. After we got them home, we realized one was a male. They were in the same cage for about one hour. The female is under 6 months, and so is the male, but we noticed him trying to mount her and we are kind of worried she might be pregnant. I really don't want a litter, and I read somewhere that you can feed your doe a certain plant and it would kill the unborn offspring. Is it true? And do you think it's safe/would you recommend it?

Dear Brittany,

I would not try any herbal or other abortifacients, as you cannot predict any bad side effects.  But I would recommend you get both bunnies to a good rabbit vet:

and have both spayed/neutered ASAP.  If it has been under a week since the mating, then it is still early enough to spay her.  Six months is a little younger than I like for a bunny spay, but if the vet feels s/he can do this on such young, friable tissue, then that will be up to the vet.

Note that both male and female rabbits will mount as dominance behavior, so this *might* be a false alarm. But better to get both bunnies to a good vet to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps.
